The Brewing Co. now has tons of sound clips from the series. They're listed in no particular order at this time (eventually they'll be listed by ep.). To download, just right-click the coffee cups and select "Save target as..." Some of them aren't the greatest quality, we know. But those are ones collected years ago when most people only had the VHS tapes to record from (and apparently the person who made them had no qualms about just holding their PC mic up to the TV speaker...).
know Andy, I know I know I know. This is what we call a real
three-hanky crime." (Albert Rosenfield)
haven't been this excited since I punctured Caroline's aorta."
(Windom Earle)
I'd think you'd be afraid to go to sleep at night." (Sheriff
it to somebody else..." (Katherine Martell & Ben Horne)
Agent Cooper that Albert and his team are here." (Albert
and Lucy Moran)
I will admin to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a
naysayer and hatchet-man in the fight against violence." (Albert)
to amateur hour." (Albert)
it's another great moment in law enforcement history!" (Albert)
you Laura Palmer?" (Agent Cooper)
lady. Can I ask her about her log?" (Cooper and
Horne, unless I miss my guess, your father is Benjamin Horne, the
owner of this fine establishment..." (Cooper and Audrey
have seen some slipshod backwater burgs, but this place takes the
cake." (Albert)
Remember those old World War two movies? BANZAI!!!" (Gordon Cole)
work and no play make Ben & Jerry dull boys." (Jerry Horne & Ben)
baby, it's the big bad Bobcat." (Bobby Briggs)
birdie birdie." (Lucy)
we're from, the birds sing a pretty song, and there's always music
in the air." (The Little Man From Another Place)
as midnight on a moonless night." (Cooper)
Cooper uh, how do you take it?" (Pete and Cooper)
How's the nose?" "Not a mark on it...only blood squirted out."
(Cooper and Andy)
to the killer's lair." (BOB)
may think I've gone insane, but I promise I will kill again."
anyone seen BOB on earth in the last few weeks?" (Albert)
up, tails up...catch you with my deathbag." (BOB)
and spirit are still far apart." (Cooper and Hawk)
before before them...more after we're gone." (Truman and Cooper)
always said I was born lucky." (Cooper)
the code, solve the crime." (Cooper)
de boolet, baybee, bite de boolet!" (Jacques Renault)
your eyes and you'll burst into flames." (Log Lady)
can't ask for your soul. So I will take his." (BOB)
like a great cup of black coffee." (Cooper)
morning Colonel Cooper." (Audrey)
got compassion running out of my nose, pal. I'm the sultan of
sentiment!" (Albert)
got compassion running out of my nose, pal. I'm the sultan of
sentiment!" Full version (Albert and Doc Hayward)
I'd like two eggs over hard. I know, don't tell me. It's hard on
the arteries..." (Cooper)
and gentlemen, Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Dale
Cooper..." Full speech (Cooper)
know this is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee. I've had I
can't tell you how many cups of coffee in my life, and this...this
is one of the best." (Cooper)
good coffee! And hot!" (Cooper)
dead...wrapped in plastic." (Pete)
you with my death bag." (BOB)
the world's most decrepit room service waiter remembers nothing
out of the ordinary..." (Albert)
is the devil hiding like a coward in the smoke." (Log Lady)
Cooper, I'm thrilled to pieces that the Dharma came to King Ho Ho
Ho, I really am..." (Albert)
I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies." (Cooper)
it is 4:28 am...I have just been woken up by the most Godawful
racket which you can probably hear over the sound of my voice."
6:18am, room 315...Great Northern Hotel up here in Twin Peaks..."
time a man dies in war, he dies too soon." (Major Briggs)
not the first won't be the last...but I'm in that
doghouse again." (Big Ed)
ruin this too!" (Sarah Palmer)
might practice walking without dragging your knuckles on the
floor." (Albert)
feel like I'm gonna dream tonight." (Laura Palmer)
think I'd better start studying medicine." (Truman and
had just about enough of your insults." (Truman and Albert)
when two separate events occur simultaneously pertaining to the
same object of inquiry, we must always pay strict attention."
never believed in fate, Agent Cooper." (Big Ed and Albert)
filled with secrets." (The LMFAP)
walk with me." (The LMFAP)
letter 'B' from Ronette's finger was cut from a copy of Fleshworld.
It's a perfect match. This particular edition features swingers'
clubs for standard poodle enthusiasts. No comment." (Albert)
Cooper, I do not suffer fools gladly and fools with badges never.
I want no interference from this hulking boob, is that clear?"
with me." (The One-Armed Man)
the darkness..." Complete FWWM Poem (The OAM)
lived among the people. I think you say 'convenience store.' We
lived above it." (The OAM)
I didn't come here to lose my shirt. I just came to take it off."
(Ben & Jerry)
did this giant sound like? Hm? I mean, did he have a big booming
voice..." (Truman, Cooper, & Albert)
beats the taste sensation when maple syrup collides with ham."